You know, cement – in order to become concrete – must be mixed with sand and water. Having done several mission projects in the past, it’s a process, to say the least. It takes a lot of effort and a lot of work but the end result is always the same:
mixed together, you get something that lasts.
But that’s the secret, right? You have to follow the instructions. A bag of cement purchased from the store that is never properly mixed with water and sand, is ineffective. Water and sand must be married together if you want something that’s truly cement-able. And that is not a bad illustration for where we’re going to go this Sunday.
For God to make your life concrete, you are going to have to learn to mix it with other ingredients. Ingredients like fearless faith, passionate purpose and generous hearts. That, my friends, is what this month’s series, A Life that Matters, is all about.
This Sunday, I will be preaching from Joshua 1:6-9 and we’ll look at answering the question, “What does it look like to live a life of fearless faith?” I can’t wait to share Sunday’s Word with you all.
See you then.