
One Tick at a Time

Did you hear about the clock that had a nervous breakdown? At first, everything with that little clock was fine. It kept great time. The problem came when it began to think about how many ticks would go through its mechanism before it died of old age. Two ticks a second would equal 120 ticks a minute, 7,200 an hour, 172,800 per day, 1,209,600 per week, and 62,899,200 ticks per year. The sheer volume of ticks sent the poor little clock into “shut down” mode. So, the clockmaker took the little clock to a clock doctor who probed until he learned what was troubling the little timepiece.

“I have to tick so much”, said the clock. “But just a minute,” replied the clock doctor, “how many ticks do you have to produce at a time?” “Oh, I operate one tick at a time.” After a moment of silence, the clock doctor leaned forward and suggested the following: “So go home and just think about just that one tick a second.” At last report, that little clock has been ticking fine for over 20 years.

Worry and anxiety can certainly pull us out of the moment. Yet, as we learned in Philippians 4 in last week’s message, when we’re practicing right praying, right thinking and right living, we find that peace is always quick to follow.

In Matthew chapter 6, Jesus has a lot to say about worry and anxiety. See if you notice a pattern:

“For this reason I say to you, do not be anxious for your life…” (Matthew 6:25)
“And which of you by being anxious can add a single cubit to his life’s span?” (Matthew 6:27)
“And why are you anxious…” (Matthew 6:28)
“Do not be anxious…” (Matthew 6:31)
“Therefore, do not be anxious for tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself.” (Matthew 6:34)

I have often said that the hardest place to be is in the present. The past pulls us and the future can weigh us down. Yet, when we learn to live in the present, we find that God meets us in that moment and reminds us that His peace is always available.

Sunday, let’s wrap up our series on Philippians with the ending of Paul’s letter. We can’t wait to see you!

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