You are the salt of the earth. – Jesus (Matthew 5:13)

Have you honestly ever stopped to think about what Christ meant when He said this? Being light and reflecting His image, that’s a pretty easy one. I get the “city on a hill.” But salt? What on earth did Jesus mean?

As you can imagine, this usage of salt by Jesus is loaded with beauty and intentionality. For starters, salt has a seasoning influence. I love this one. Think about it. When it comes to the followers of Jesus, there ought to be a flavor, a relish, a zest in the way Christians live.

I heard it said once that the main trouble today with the followers of Jesus is not that our doctrine is false, but that our experience is flat.

Hear this. We bring out the aroma and sweet flavors of God at work in the world amidst an often dry and tasteless culture.

Here’s another use of salt: salt preserves. Remember. When Jesus made this comment, there were no refrigerators. So, to slow the decay, people would use salt to pack their meat in. As we find ourselves with the decay and corrosion of culture, we can slow down the process as we live and love out of Christ’s heart within us.

Salt also purifies and cleanses. When I had a mouth ulcer, my mom always made me rinse with salt water. Ever tried that? Hey. It still works today! The truth is that the church of Jesus Christ has had a purifying influence wherever it has gone. With the Holy Spirit at work in and through our lives, we can wash over the brokenness of the world and offer the healing that the world so desperately seeks.

Ok, one last one: salt irritates. Remember how I have said that the gospel has never been comfortable? When the truth of God’s word is poured onto the sickness and open wounds of our brokenness, it hurts! Yet, on the other side of that truth, comes the ointment of God’s grace and mercy in which He readily makes available to us all.

So, my friends, let’s be salt. Let’s bring out the flavor of God within our world as we seek to slow down the brokenness and decay of our culture offering a wash of cleansing grace and truth and may we give God the glory through it all!

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