
Singing a Greater Song

You’re shopping in the mall and pushing through the crowds when, suddenly, organ music begins to play and, to your surprise, the crowds that surround you break into song, singing the “Hallelujah Chorus.” How would that be for a shopping experience? 

On October 30, 2010, this is exactly what happened in a Macy’s department store in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The event was called a Random Act of Culture, and was organized by the City Opera of Philadelphia. At noon on that Saturday, the organist at the mall’s historic Wanamaker organ – the largest pipe organ in the world – began playing the opening measures to the “Hallelujah Chorus” and, shortly after the opening bars of music, close to 600 Philadelphia-area singers began to belt out the familiar hymn. The reaction was priceless. 

To date, this video has been viewed over 9 million times. Curious? Check it out here:

Watching this earlier this week reminded me of words Jesus said in Matthew’s Gospel. Jesus said that His followers would be salt and light. I love the Message version that says that we’re here, “to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world.” (Matt. 5:14) There’s a beautiful truth for us all in this passage.

Think about this. Amidst the hustle and bustle, amidst this crazy, busy time of the year, we can use our voices and hearts to sing a greater song. “Sprinkled” throughout our neighborhoods, workplaces, and culture, we stand amidst great opportunities to sing that greater song of God’s love, joy, hope, and peace, that points others to the glory of Christ.

So, what do you say? Join me? The busyness of the season is pushing in all around us. Yet, let’s not keep silent about the season and the reason we have to sing. Truly, there’s good news in the the four words, “Immanuel, God with us.” 

Now that is something to sing about!

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