I read recently about a new app available on phones that’s making headlines all around the world. Ironically, it’s not because it gives you access to the latest “breaking news updates” or allows you to scroll through stories of celebrity pop news, fashion or the newest “hip” skinny jeans trend. Shocking, right? Instead, it’s an app that helps the blind…see. Literally. It’s called, “Be My Eyes.”

Imagine if you will, you’re blind. Now, try to complete a few simple tasks like separating medications, pressing the correct button on your microwave oven, or even knowing the right side of the street to catch the bus. No doubt there would be questions, uncertainties and needs that would arise for you every single day. That’s where this new nonprofit app comes into play. It was created and developed by a visually impaired man in Denmark and connects the blind to sighted volunteers through video chat available on the user’s phone. The volunteer can answer questions because he or she can see the surroundings of the visually impaired person using the phone’s camera. Incredible, right? When I last looked at the app’s statistics, there were over 1.5 million volunteers helping over 91,000 visually impaired subscribers in over 150 countries and in 180 different languages around the globe.


Reading this story earlier this week made me think about Susan Kent’s words last Sunday on vision. In Acts 10, we read of Peter’s vision on the rooftop and God’s moving in both his and Cornelius’ life. This was a defining moment in the early believer’s ministry as within this vision was the promise that God’s love was not just for the Jews, but for the Gentiles as well. All were welcomed into God’s graces through what Jesus Christ did on the cross. And how did Peter get this life-changing word from the Lord? He made himself available. He literally positioned himself on the roof and entered into prayer. (Acts 10:9)

It was true for the early church believers then; it’s true for all of us today. Think about it.

When we position ourselves in prayer and allow the Creator of the universe to be our eyes, He speaks truth to us through the power of the Holy Spirit.

He gives renewed vision every single day guiding us on the paths we’re to go and nudging us to see and speak grace and truth into others who need help and guidance as well.

Today, let’s position ourselves. Let’s invite God to be our eyes. And then? Let’s take those small steps of obedience as the Spirit speaks that lead to greater supernatural movements of the Holy Spirit in and among our lives.

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