It’s hard to believe that the “No Regrets” series concludes this Sunday. I have had such a remarkable time sharing these messages with the Harvest community at the Woodlands UMC. It’s a blessing to have these opportunities to share what God has been teaching me and seeing how it’s taken root in so many.

So I shared this verse on Sunday:

“Be still and know that I am God. I will be lifted up among the nations. I will be exalted among the earth.” Psalm 46:10

I have said it before that, in many cases when it comes to scripture, we’re guilty of only knowing half of the story. This verse was one of those for me. Being a tad on the hyperactive side (have you figured this out yet?), I have always thought that this verse, Psalm 46:10, was a perfect reminder for me. Amidst my running and going, how necessary to just “be still” and know. So I quoted it often and everywhere. Then, several years back, a friend who is also a pastor asked me if I knew the rest of that verse (my response, if I remember correctly was, ‘Duh… um… amen?”). He smiled. I smiled. And he said, “Nope.” The rest of the verse? Ready? “I will be lifted up among the nations. I will be exalted among the earth.” Seems simple, right? But, to really settle into the second part is to even reveal a GREATER truth than simply being still. Being still and “knowing” is only the half of it. The other half, and possibly the most important part: it’s not about me. This life, this purpose we have on earth really isn’t about creating a name for ourselves. It’s not about our building of our own kingdom. It is about lifting up the name of Jesus and knowing who all the glory goes to. After all, it’s God who will be praised in all the nations and exalted across the earth.

Now, I confess. When I meditate on that passage, it makes me feel small. But, honestly, I am. You are. We all are. But in the same breath, isn’t it amazing to know that the Creator of the universe, the one who breathed the stars into existence and created us, has called us to make His name great in our lifetime.

So today, hear the “rest of the story”: Be still and know that He will be lifted up among the nations. His glory will shine. And the greatest part? it comes THROUGH each of us living lives that point people towards His glory.

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