Grace and peace, friends.

What an unprecedented time we are all living in. The phrase I have heard repeated over and over is “uncharted territory.” While I agree with that statement in relationship to COVID-19 and what we’re seeing across the nation and world, I would also have to recognize that conflict, fear and anxiety have been around since that first taste of fruit in the Garden of Eden. What I have to bring myself back to is: How do I live and react to the anxiety I face on a daily basis?

I returned to a passage I taught from back in January of this year found in Joshua 1. Remember the content. Joshua had been under Moses’ leadership for over 40 years. Joshua had apprenticed under Moses and seen the power of God move and lead His people time and time again. However, in Joshua 1 something had changed – Moses was no longer among the living. So, Joshua was then in charge of leading God’s people, and they were facing both visible and invisible enemies ahead of them. And how does Joshua respond? He was terrified. He was anxious. He was scared to death.

Sound familiar?

Yet, in the midst of the terror, God brought comfort to Joshua with the following words:

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

What followed? Joshua moved forward.

In our fear, in our anxiousness, we must stop and listen for the words and comfort of God to fall over us. What was true for Joshua then is true for us all today: the Lord is near. God is with us and will go wherever we go.

I read once that the phrase, “Do not fear” is in the Bible 366 times. That’s one for every day of the year and a bonus made available to us for leap year, as well. 😉 I’m not sure if that stat is true or not but I do know this… you do see the phrase, “Do not fear” in the Bible a lot! And why? Because the Lord knows there’s plenty that can shake us. Yet, God is near.

So, friends, take comfort. The Lord is here. God has not forsaken us. He’s at work in and around us. All that’s necessary on our part?

Be strong and courageous.

As we continue in our prayer series in Harvest, let’s lift up the sick and their families, let’s pray for our medical professionals, all doctors and nurses that are putting themselves on the front lines every day, for our President and all national leaders, as well as those impacted around the world. Prayer is a powerful weapon and it does make a difference.

Sunday morning I will “see” you all online at 9:30 a.m. in either our Harvest Facebook or Harvest YouTube channels.

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