“How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation…” -Isaiah 52:7

Friends, it has been an amazing day here in India as we concluded the conferences and I was blessed to pray over each of the three closing graduation ceremonies our church helped to lead and take part in. We celebrated the graduation of the pastor’s conference where each man and women received a graduation certificate for completing the three day event and you would have thought judging from their expressions that they had received certificates of gold. The hugs, smiles, and, yes, even “selfies”, were such a joy to see and be a part of. We also say two other groups graduate from the children’s ministry and the second ever women’s conference that was held. It was an emotional, beautiful day.

I am not sure I will ever be able to formulate into words what I am actually seeing God do in the midst of this country and among his people. There is such a passion to see the Gospel of Jesus Christ be shared, YET, at the same time, there is such opposition to this Good News. There is oppression, persecution and spiritual warfare that is real and appears as if it is FRESH out of the pages of the book of Acts. It’s a solemn reminder of, one, we mustn’t take our faith in Jesus lightly, and, two, we must pray daily for our Christian brothers and sisters that are walking in the footsteps of Jesus against a culture that is saying, “turn around”.

In fourteen hours, here’s something you can pray for! There are eight team members here from the Woodlands, TX, and tomorrow morning, we are splitting up into groups of two’s and preaching in four different house churches. Four small house churches with, literally, hundreds of people crammed in worshiping in secret and lifting up our voices in praise to the One who is worthy. Pray for our team that we would have a burst of energy that can only come from the Holy Spirit. Many of us are pretty worn down as it has been an emotional couple of days. Most importantly, pray that God would be glorified, His words of hope and salvation are lifted up and more lives would come to know our heavenly Father.

Isaiah said it well. Beautiful are the feet of those bringing the good news. I am proud to say that I am surrounded by some pretty beautiful feet. Thanks be to God.

Amen, and AMEN!

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