
Bungees and the Holy Spirit

Grace and peace, friends. I pray this finds you well and enjoying another week finding some relief from the summer Texas sun! 

As I write this, I’m settling back into the office this morning after some much needed time away. It was a needed time of refilling, reading, movie watching, writing, and, honestly, knocking out some beautifully mundane and ordinary tasks around the house that have been calling my name for too long.

I will add that there was one activity that popped up on my time away that wasn’t in the plans. On Monday of this week, my daughter asked me if I wanted to go with her to a new work out class that she had recently heard about. Knowing that she’s leaving for travel in the weeks ahead, I thought the time spent with her would be good. So, I said, “yes”. Somewhere between her and the class we were driving to, she shared a few other pieces of information that, honestly, would have been good to know before I agreed to the class: it was a bungee work out class. Let me explain. You walk in, you put on some padded pants, slip on over those a harness, you strap yourself into a bungee cord suspended from the ceiling, and you exercise while flying around the room like Peter Pan. I’m not going to lie. I very quickly wondered what I had gotten myself into, but once I settled into the idea of it all, I gave it a shot. 

As I settled into the class, I quickly learned that there was one simple thing I needed to lean into: trusting that the bungee cord had me. There’s something “not right” about throwing yourself high into the air and believing that something you couldn’t see would grab you and gently guide you back to earth. However, time and time again as I leapt and lunged, the bungee did exactly what it was supposed to do: it held me, guided me, and led me to the very places I had wanted to land. 

What a beautiful illustration of the Holy Spirit. 

As we allow the Holy Spirit to speak and lead in our lives, we’re guided, held, and directed through the unexplainable but present power of God at work in our lives through the Spirit’s power at work within us all.

If you missed last Sunday’s message with Susan Kent in Harvest, stop what you’re doing, go back and watch it now. I love what God is stirring in Harvest and through these Harvest home groups that will be forming soon. I hope you’re planning to join us THIS Sunday as I will be teaching on the second week of our unexplainable series focusing on Acts 2:42-47. We’ll look at the power of fellowship and how the Spirit moves through authentic community.

Can’t wait to see you!

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