
Burning Bushes and Falling Books. Oh my!

I loved an email I received shortly after Sunday’s message on Moses’ burning bush and being open to God’s voice and leading.

Read on.

“After my husband and I attended the 9:30 am service, we had brunch and visited the local bookstore to grab some books to take for an upcoming vacation we have scheduled. As we were headed to the car after shopping, my husband (who hadn’t purchased a book) mentioned to me that he had been in the Christian section and picked up a book to look at it, placed it back on the shelf and moved on down the row. As he did, he heard a “thud” and noticed that the book he had looked at had jumped off the shelf and fell on the floor. He picked up the book, put it back on the shelf, then proceeded to walk back down the aisle to look at other books. Again (!) the book he originally picked up fell BACK off the shelf and onto the floor. For a second time, he replaced it and put it back on the shelf and walked out. Mind you, he tells me this as we’re walking to the car. My response? ‘Are you kidding me? You didn’t buy that book that God was basically throwing at you? You need to go back in the store and buy that book!’ I reminded him that ‘pastor Mark had just reminded us not to miss our burning bush moments.’ So? We walked back in and he put his hands on the copy of Jesus Calling, a 365 day devotional by Sarah Young. Just thought you should know that we heard you this morning and my husband didn’t miss out on his moment.”


Take a look at what King David says in Psalms 5:3.

In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.

Did you catch it? King David says that his day begins with prayer and supplication. And then? I “wait expectantly.” What lies in front of YOU today? Whatever that may be, here’s to expectation and anticipation in your moments ahead. Remember to keep those eyes open. God’s still in the business of speaking through burning bushes and, yes, even falling books. The question? Are we watching and willing to pick them up?

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