Grace and peace, friends.

Can I share about a moment I had with the Home Depot delivery guy in my front yard at 7:00 a.m. last Tuesday morning? Last week in Harvest, we showed the video of Kristin Schell, the woman who brought her picnic table from the backyard to the front yard in order to make herself available and present to love her neighbors in her neighborhood. When my wife and I saw this, we both agreed that this was going to be a new front yard piece for the Sorensens.

So, I order a picnic table online and Tuesday morning Home Depot shows up. As the delivery guy is unloading the table, I help him and he says the most remarkable thing to me: “You know, I have worked for Home Depot for fifteen years and never in my life have I seen such a demand for picnic tables. In the past forty eight hours, I have been taking these all over the city.” Praise the Lord! I jumped up and down and said, “Brother, I can tell you what’s happening. It’s people sold out for Jesus and committed to loving their neighbors well.” Such a sweet moment.

We’ve loved this Block Party series so much that we’re actually extending it for two more weeks. Let’s go deeper into God’s Word and see what we can learn, shall we?

This Sunday, I will be preaching from Matthew 5:14–16. Let’s talk about motives.

What is the greater purpose in truly and authentically loving our neighbors? It’s going to be another terrific Sunday. I just know it.

Quick question(s): How are you loving your neighbors? What are you finding? What are you doing? Are you baking? Putting up picnic tables? We’d love to hear about it. Share your stories with us! Start by posting to the Harvest Facebook page or email me personally with your stories. I would love to know! I want to start taking some time on Sunday mornings to share some of your stories. Pass it along, would you? Your stories can inspire others in ways that you can’t even imagine.

Love big, friends. Don’t let fear stand in the way.

Don’t let fear take up residence in your life today. Remember this –> “for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” -2 Timothy‬ ‭1:7‬ ‭ESV‬‬

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