Sweet friends, I pray you’re well.

I’d love to share a story that came across my email recently from Marci Chadwell, our Associate Director of Early Childhood Ministries here at The Woodlands UMC.

It has been so inspiring to be a part of and to see our community working together and loving each other these past couple of weeks. Harvey has touched and affected us all in some way. I just wanted to share with you a moment that touched and encouraged my heart: The Sunday after Harvey came through, it so happened that our lesson for the preschoolers and kindergartners was “God is always with me, so I can be brave!” As the three-year-olds were arriving to Jonah’s Island room for their Worship and Bible time and we waited for everyone to take their seats, I went around to talk to each of them about their favorite superheroes and bravery. It was quite an interesting conversation as you can probably imagine! Just as we were getting ready to begin, one of the little boys told me, “I’m very brave. Because my house is a big, big mess, they took out all our walls!”

My heart dropped because I knew that this sweet, young boy had certainly been brave this past week if his home had been flooded during the rain. Just as I was about to say something, a three-year-old girl reached over and grabbed his arm. She told him, “I will help you fix your house!” She was cheerful and determined in her offer and he nodded his head enthusiastically and smiled. Not going to lie, I cried like a baby for these sweet babies and their pure compassion for one another!

The little ones are watching and absorbing everything around us as we heal from Harvey. They saw the rain, some of them saw the damage, and I believe they have all seen their “grown-ups” come together in love and service for one another. They’re soaking it all up and watching everything. As one of our fellow teammates, Dani, said it best, “The Holy Spirit is not junior-sized in little people!”

So true, right?

I love the faith of children. And you know what? Jesus did as well. In Luke 18, the disciples thought that they would have an “adults only” meeting with Jesus as kids began to rush the Rabbi. However, how did Jesus respond? With these words: “Then Jesus called for the children and said to the disciples, ‘Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children.’”

I pray that wherever this day finds you, you would find this day with the faith of a child.

Remember. God is moving in ways we see and even in ways that we may not. The truth is that our Heavenly Father is going to meet our needs. Our job? We just need to open up our hands and be fully present.

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