In the movie, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, we follow the story of Frodo, a brave but vulnerable hobbit, who has inherited a deadly ring from his cousin, Bilbo Baggins. When Frodo’s friend and wise counsel, Gandalf, discovers that the Dark Lord is looking for this ring and knows that Frodo has it, Gandalf urges Frodo to leave his homeland and take the ring with him.

In time, a fellowship of eight join Frodo and they travel through the mines of Moria. When the fellowship comes to an opening with three different passages Gandalf, perplexed, admits he has no memory of the place nor does he know which way they should go. As the others find a place to rest while Gandalf tries to remember which direction is the right one to travel out safely, Frodo, wrought with anxiety, looks at Gandalf and says, “I wish the ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.” Gandalf replies, “So do all who live to see such times. But it’s not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”

I love that line. We can shrink back when faced with the evil we see in the world and live fearfully and small in the days we’ve been given. However, there’s another way. There’s the way, the truth and the life. To know Jesus is to also know the hope that’s found within Him, and this is a power that casts out fear. Every time.

I wonder if the early church believers ever had moments where – like Frodo – they were overwhelmed with anxiety, fraught with fear and unsure of the paths they were to take as the forces of evil were closing in.

Yet, what helped Frodo accomplish this task set before him was found in this simple truth: Frodo wasn’t alone. There was a fellowship that walked beside him helping to carry the weight and empowering him to finish the task that was set before him.  

I think this is a pretty great picture of a fellowship that we call “church” today. In Acts 2:42-47, we see this little fellowship of 3,000 believers digging into life alongside one another. They were relentlessly devoted, they had a heartfelt affection towards the Lord and one another, they practiced sacrificial generosity, and they carried contagious joy with them. And what followed? The Lord added to their numbers daily.

Last week we talked about Fearless Faith in our A Life that Matters series. This Sunday, let’s go deeper and talk, “Passionate Purpose.” You’re going to love what God has in store.

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