So, I have this problem. I like to say “yes.” A lot. 

There are a lot of reasons for that. I’m a people pleaser. Always have been. I am an overachiever! Whatever I commit my time to, and if my name’s on it, I want it to go well! That’s not a bad thing, right? Look, I realize this problem. I put crazy expectations on myself to be all things to all people. I mean, let’s be honest — I am a pastor, right? It’s the job I signed up for.


Or is it?

Lately, I’ve been playing around with an idea. It’s true. I HATE saying “no.” But here’s a pretty profound, yet utterly simplistic, truth that hit me recently like a lightning bolt. Ready? What if my saying “no” in some circumstances is actually saying “yes” to something much greater?

Read on.

At daybreak, Jesus went out to a solitary place. The people were looking for him and when they came to where he was, they tried to keep him from leaving them. But he said, “I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent.” And he kept on preaching in the synagogues of Judea. -Luke 4:42-44 


So Jesus is out and about teaching, healing, and proclaiming the Good News of the Kingdom to the masses. The crowds are growing. The masses are gathering. And then? Jesus departs into a solitary place. He has to refill! He needs to spend some time recharging the batteries. But wait. People follow him. They actually track Him down and, when they find Him, they beg Him to stay longer with them. I mean, good things were happening, right? Crowds were growing, Good News was being proclaimed. And Jesus’ response to the people’s request?

Nope. Not gonna do it.

Ok. It was a little softer than than. But it was a “no” none the less. There were other places that must be visited. There were other hearts that needed healing and restoration. There was a greater purpose, a greater calling.

Not sure how I had ever missed this point in scripture. By saying “no,” Jesus was actually saying “yes” to a greater purpose and a greater call.

It’s a heavy yoke to wear when you want to be all things to all people. Honestly? God has called me into the ministry, but I’m pretty certain He has not called me to leave my wife and kids in the process. God has called me to be a bearer of the Good News and live out the Great Commission in my life (Matthew 28:19 – 20), yet He has not called me to lose my heart, passion, and sanity in the process. SO, I’m working on saying “no” more, because in doing so I’m actually saying “yes” to something much greater.   

Where are you in this story? Are there things you need to start saying “no” to, and, in doing so, you’re allowing yourself to say “yes” to something greater? Pray over it. Ask God to reveal those things to you. And then? May you have the courage to start doing it. 

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