
Joseph | Living the Dream

Grace and peace to you, friends.

First, let me begin by saying that I have not fully recovered from another incredible Holy Week and Easter Sunday in the life of The Woodlands Methodist Church. Someone asked me recently what preaching four Easter services was like. Honestly, if you’ve ever ridden a roller coaster, it’s a lot like that. Before that first service begins, you settle in, the bar comes down across your lap, and you start to take off. What’s next is just pure adrenaline and Holy Spirit joy until the final service ends.

There’s nothing quite like that Easter Sunday morning experience. I’m thankful for all the Holy Spirit did last weekend. And guess what? We get to come together and worship again this weekend.

Sunday, as we wrap up our time in the Book of Genesis, I am kicking off a series called Joseph: Living the Dream based on the story of Joseph.

Truth be told, the story of Joseph has all the elements of an incredible movie – family betrayal, a rise to prominence and power, deception and false incrimination, and the desire for revenge tempered by forgiveness. Yet the one constant thread that you find woven through the entire story is this: Though God never speaks within the context of Joseph’s story, this does not mean He is absent.

This story is one of my favorites in all of Scripture. Sunday, reach out and invite a friend to church with you, and let’s kick off this journey with Joseph together.

To get a head start, go ahead and read Genesis 37 before we gather on Sunday morning.

I can’t wait to see you!

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