There was a quote attributed to Roger Bannister, the one I referenced in last Sunday’s message, who holds the record for being the first human being to break a sub-four minute mile in 1954. Roger said, in relationship to running,

“Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must move faster than the lion or it will not survive. Every morning a lion wakes up and knows it must be faster than the slowest gazelle or it will starve. It doesn’t matter if you are a lion or gazelle. When the sun comes up, you’d better be moving.”

We run after a lot of things in this world, don’t we? Although COVID-19 and our worldwide quarantine has certainly slowed us down, it’s important to remember that what we pursue should always be of importance to us. In Philippians 3, Paul showed us all that accomplishments, achievements and titles hold a certain value; however, in comparison to the glory found in Jesus and what Jesus has done for us all? They will never compare. For Paul, everything held against the light of Christ will fade. What was important? Knowing Jesus and running the race of this life with Him affixed in our gaze.

So we run the race of life with our heads up, our eyes ahead fixed on Jesus and our hearts pointed heavenward.

This Sunday, we move into the fourth and final chapter of Philippians that we’re breaking into two different Sunday messages. This week, I will be preaching from Philippians 4:4-10. It’s my go-to Scripture when it comes to living amidst anxiety and anxious times.

Hope to “see” you then!

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