In Mother Teresa’s little book In the Heart of the World, she writes about a time she took in an orphan boy whose mother had died from disease. To her, it was a small expression of kindness, love and generosity, but for this child, the love she showed during his time of need made a huge impact. So much so that, as he grew, he expressed a desire to become a priest. When asked why, he responded, “I want to do for other children what Mother Teresa has done for me. I want to love as she loved me. I want to serve as she served me.” Today? He serves as a priest devoted to loving those who have nothing and no one. A small seed of kindness and compassion grew into a beautiful life dedicated to cultivating and growing more kindness in the world.

It’s amazing what good fruit can do. When we take the biblical fruit of kindness and share that fruit with others, they can grow in hearts and lives in amazing and beautiful ways. Remember, kindness is more than just a feeling or emotion. It’s an action. It’s compassion with feet.

Expressions of kindness, no matter how large or small they may be, can return incredible results. Some of the results we may see, some, we may never see. Yet, the Holy Spirit grows and waters. Our job? Plant the seeds. 

So may you, my friend, know this fruit of kindness in your life, and, on the other side of knowing, may you intentionally plant the seeds of kindness in the lives of those you encounter throughout your day and week.

Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up. -Proverbs 12:25

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