Fun fact. You have to take a psychological exam to be considered for ministry within the United Methodist Church. I will be the first to admit that I see the need here, but I have also been of the opinion that, to even consider the possibility of entering into ministry, doesn’t that qualify one to be crazy in the first place?

It was on that first psychological exam that I took many years back where I remember one question that caught me off guard. Like, literally, I didn’t know how to answer. It was the following:

“I hear voices. True/False.”

See, I have to say this. God speaks to me. Not literally (though I still am open to a burning bush or face in a tortilla), but in small, subtle, and even sometimes in not so subtle ways. Take last week for instance.

To say that I am overwhelmed this school semester is an understatement. Many know that I struggle with perfectionist issues. I do a lot and want to be great at everything I do. But here’s a thought. What if my expectations I have for myself are higher than that of Christ’s for me? Ouch. So, last week I am spending time in Psalm 24. In it, David makes three pretty big statements; two I was prepared for, one that caught me off guard.

Number one. You’re small. 

Screen Shot 2014-09-26 at 9.06.00 AMThis rock we are standing on that is hurtling through space at thousands of miles an hour? It’s God’s. All of it. Every tree, every animal. His. Every mountain, every river, every sunrise and sunset? His. Every tribe, tongue and nation, His. Hey, check that out. Is that the new large screen iPhone 6s? Awesome. Also His, by the way. In Psalm 24:1-2, David begins just stating the obvious: “The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it”.

So, this leads to number two. He’s great and He is worthy.

Screen Shot 2014-09-26 at 9.11.53 AMOn the other side of a recognizing the magnitude of a Holy God and getting lost in the greatness of our Creator, comes the question David poses: “So who’s worthy to stand in his holy place?” David answers it for us. It’s those with clean hands and a pure heart, it’s the one who doesn’t trust in an idol or swear by a false God. In other words, it’s the one who places God above anything that the earth or world places in front of us. That can be an overwhelming statement, right? We have a lot of things vying for our worship and attention. However, David says clean hands and a pure heart belongs to those who place God above all else. So how on earth is this possible? I’m so glad you asked.

Number three? Lift up your head.

Screen Shot 2014-09-26 at 9.21.58 AMWe lift up our heads. How have I missed this truth in Psalm 24? See, this is what God said to me last week. My struggles to be perfect in everything I was doing, my desire to keep all the plates spinning on the poles, the desire I had to get it all done, it was pushing my head down and I was allowing my focus to remain on the problems and not looking to the One worthy to carry me through. What I had been missing in my week was looking UP to the One who is strong and mighty (vs. 8) and the One who is mighty in battle (vs. 8). Where I was lacking in strength and losing the battle, God was ready to fight for me. My problem? I was just looking down.

I loved this gentle nudge from God last week. “Lift up your head.” It put the week into a new perspective for me and one that has carried over into this new week for me.

So to you, my friend. Whatever you’re struggling with at this very moment, don’t let your circumstances and issues define who you are and whose you are. You belong to the Lord and He is still very much mighty in battle.

May you know and feel His love for you in this very moment, and may you pick that head up and gain a fresh perspective.

YOU are loved.

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