Have you ever had those moments where you are so deep in thought that, suddenly, unexpectedly, something happens that pulls you back into reality and it scares you half to death? I had one of those moments last Sunday morning. I had left the house to get to the church early that morning and realized that I needed to get some gas. So, I pull into a gas station that’s close to where I live and pull up to the pump.

I remember thinking about how quiet and still the world is early in the morning. My radio was off that morning and I had actually chosen to just enjoy the silence as I had begun the new day. As I got out of the car, I noticed that the lights inside the gas station were dark, no other cars were at the pumps and the only sound was the buzz of the lights above my head. So I paid at the pump, put the nozzle inside the tank, and pressed the handle to start filling up the car. That’s when it happened. A television mounted inside the gas pump came to life and started shouting at me. Literally, I must have jumped about three feet in the air. Once my heart rate returned to normal, I gave thanks that no one was close by to see my reaction and I‘m hoping the security cameras didn’t capture that over-active, Holy Ghost-jumping moment I had in the gas station parking lot.

This is the world we live in though, isn’t it? Seriously. We have televisions inside our gas pumps shouting at us about the latest news and advertisements that we shouldn’t miss. What a crazy, noisy world, right? Indeed, it’s a world that’s shouting at us from all directions. And that’s exactly why Sabbath – a day to cease and be still – was something God saw as a necessary rhythm that we would need to incorporate into our weekly routine. I love what God said to Isaiah in relationship to the Sabbath:

“If because of the Sabbath you set aside your own pursuits and pleasure, and you honor the Sabbath and sanctify that day by leaving it to and for the Eternal – if you speak of Sabbath – delight but avoid speaking idle words, and refuse to get caught up and busy with your interests and concern – then you will discover joy such as only the Eternal can give. And I will raise you high and make your reach as wide as the earth, and you will live on all that I promised to Jacob, your ancestor the heart of Israel.” (Isaiah 58:13–14 VOICE)

I love the promise of joy found in God’s words in Isaiah 58. Think about it. If we truly take God at His word and seek out rest for our souls, then the Lord will raise us high and lift us above all the noise, trouble, and worries, and remind us of that which is truly of value: to be called His children.

So how are you finding Sabbath in your life? I pray you’re diving into this gift head first, friend.

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