I must confess. I read about the Israelites in the Old Testament and just laugh at them. Here’s a group of people that God called, “chosen”. He provided for them, showed them miracles and set them free from captivity. But, it seemed like it was just never enough. Seriously. Look up the term “whiners” in the dictionary and there should be a picture of the Israelites. They want meat? God drops birds from the sky. They want bread? Cue the manna from heaven. They need a personal navigating system? Here comes the heavenly cloud of smoke during the day and pillar of fire at night (hey Apple, come up with THAT APP). Sure, it’s easy to look at the Israelites today and question their motives. That is, until I look at my own life and realize I am not really that different. Fear, untruths and annoyances abound and today, we need a healthy does of oil to be freed from them.

Today, I’m dwelling on Psalm 23:5b that says,

“You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows”

To spend time looking at the 23rd Psalm, you get great insight into a shepherd’s perspective as the role of the shepherd is to take care of his sheep. “So what does oil have to do with sheep and how does that even apply to me today”, you ask? Brilliant question.

Ask a shepherd and they would tell you that summertime is rough on sheep. Flies are a nasty problem with sheep. Sheep are extremely sensitive as flies buzz around the ears and nose. In fact, (heads up… this one is gross…) it wasn’t uncommon for flies to lay eggs in the mucous membrane of a sheep’s nose that would eventually hatch larvae that would then burrow up into the sheep’s head causing an extremely unwanted “itch” that could not be scratched. So what was a shepherd to do? The shepherd would make an oil that he would then apply to the sheep’s head that would provide comfort and relief from the distractions keeping the flies away from their face. The shepherd David was saying that this is exactly what God will do for those whom He loves.

Here’s what I know. The enemy attacks the mind often. I can’t tell you how many times I hear, “You are just not good enough”. “Seriously? You are never going to be able to overcome this problem”. “Who are you to think you are ever going to succeed in this?” And, if i’m not careful, those lies can burrow in and, somehow, take root and become a truth that allows defeat and complacency in my life. But this is where the Good Shepherd comes in. Jesus has given us a helper through the Holy Spirit. Christ said, “But when he, the Spirit of Truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come” (John 16:13). It’s incredible to think that today, this very moment, this truth is available to all who know Jesus and in whom the Holy Spirit dwells.

Let me ask. What flies have you allowed to bother you to the point that untruths and lies have become louder than the voice of God in your life and taken root deep into your mind and heart? Maybe it’s time for the reminder that He has anointed your head with oil. Could this be what the helmet of salvation speaks of in Ephesians 6:17? Put on the helmet that speaks the truth into your heart that you are a child of God and, through the power of Christ’s death and resurrection, NOTHING can separate you from the love of God (Rom. 8:39).

I pray that anointing falls over you this very moment. You are loved, friend. Dig in and know God is near.


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