I’m wrapping up a January intensive through Asbury Theological on the subject of “Mission and Evangelism”. In a reading titled, “The Future of Christian Mission in an Age of World Christianity” by Carlos Cardoza-Orlandi, I learned about CREEDA, a rehabilitation center in the city of Agua Prieta, Mexico, on the border with Douglas, Arizona. In a city with drug trafficking and abuse, this organization seeks to offer refuge and rehabilitation to those both within Mexico and it’s own city of Douglas, Arizona. It’s an amazing mission that truly is making a difference and having an impact in the community in which it resides and serves.

The power of CREEDA’s ministry is huge. But, I was also struck with the version of the Lord’s Prayer that’s painted on it’s wall outside the building. Take a look.

The Lord’s Prayer…

  • Do not call me “Father” if every day you do not behave as my child;
  • Do not say, “Our” if you live isolated in your selfishness;
  • Do not say “Who art in Heaven” if you only think about earthly/material things;
  • Do not say “Hallowed be thy name” if you invoke it with your lips, but your heart is far from God;
  • Do not say “thy Kingdom come” if you mistake it for your material success;
  • Do not say “thy will be done” if you do not accept the will when it is painful;
  • Do not say “give us this day our daily bread” if you do not worry about the hungry
  • Do not say “forgive us our trespasses” if you bear your brother and sister a grudge;
  • Do not say “lead us not into temptation” if you do not avoid occasions to sin;
  • Do not say “deliver us from evil” if you do not fight evil;
  • Do not say “Amen” if you have not taken seriously the words of the Lord’s Prayer.

This reminded me of the power of “words”. How easy it is to say the words of the Lord’s Prayer on a Sunday morning in worship, yet, how easy it is to not hear what it is we are declaring. I’m grateful for this reminder. My prayer today?

May the heart match the mouth.

Perspective. May we never lose it.

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