And when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. (Matthew 6:6)


I love our prayer chapel in the church for many reasons. Of the many, there’s one that rises to the surface that I am the fondest of and it’s simply this: it’s quiet. Isn’t it funny how you really have to go on a search to find a place that’s actually void of noise? This Lenten season, I am seeking out “less noise”and this little chapel helps me reclaim some needed silence.

As I was sitting in there this morning for a few moments, I looked at the stained glass windows and IMG_4777was reminded of something a friend and mentor mentioned to me several years ago in regards to perspective. He encouraged me to press my face up against a stained glass window and to tell me what I saw. It’s actually kind of beautiful when you get over the fact your pressing your nose against something that, primarily, was never created for a person to press their nose against. Maybe I did the same thing in my time of solitude this morning? You’ll never know;) Here’s what you see:         ————————————————->

Really, you don’t see a lot. Just a myriad of colors, some lines, some reds, blacks, and tans. Not too terribly exciting, right? But it’s when you step away that you get a much better perspective:

When you step back, the whole picture actually comes IMG_4779into view. What didn’t make sense before, actually makes perfect sense. All it takes? Perspective.

Isn’t this the beauty of prayer in our lives? In Matthew 6, Jesus is speaking to prayer and the need to find that quiet place to lift up our voices and connect with our heavenly Father. In prayer, we take our eyes off of ourselves, our situations, our circumstances, and we put them on the One who carries us through.

Perspective. Isn’t it a beautiful thing?

Today, I’m thankful for the truth that God sees the whole picture, even when I may not. An important #perspective to keep!


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