There’s power in the person of the Holy Spirit. 


As we launched the series on the Holy Spirit yesterday at the Woodlands United Methodist Church, it was my fervent prayer that we not just hear a word on the Holy Spirit, but that we would experience the power of the Holy Spirit. I don’t want to just talk on the Holy Spirit. Instead, I want to be led by, challenged by, and moved by the power of the Holy Spirit who is as active today in the hearts of believers as He was in the very same followers of Jesus that gathered in that room on the first Pentecost over two thousand years ago.

I have been so greatly blessed by the conversations, calls, and emails of those who, like me, have discovered that there’s true power found when we lean in and act on the power of the Holy Spirit. I’ll share one. I received an email from a friend who reached out to say that, after worship, she noticed someone walking into the church as she was walking out with her family. She shared that she really felt led to pray for this individual and she wasn’t about to miss an opportunity that the Holy Spirit had placed in her path. What came was a beautiful conversation that led to a need being identified and a prayer being offered that was orchestrated by the Holy Spirit. Praise God.

Take a moment to read an encounter in the book of Acts where the Holy Spirit led Philip to step out in obedience and speak His truth to an unlikely follower:

Acts 8:26-38

I love this story for many reasons. One of them is how the story begins with the angel instructing Philip to simply, “Go” (vs :26). See, the very beginning of Philip’s story opens with an element of risk moving Philip from a place where complacency and comfort was on the table and, instead, the call to “move” because the Spirit “has plans for you”. And notice where the angel says to go? A desert road. What is THAT? Seriously? You know Philip had to find himself standing in a desert saying, “Really? The desert? What good comes from standing in the desert?” Ah, but isn’t that where God does His most beautiful work? The story moves on. And what happens? Philip isn’t content to let complacency win. He steps out and, even in the desert, he encounters a life changing opportunity led by the Holy Spirit and a new disciple and believer in Jesus Christ is born and baptized.

Here’s the thought for me today. I can choose to be attuned to my schedule, calendar, and to-do list, or, instead, I can choose to seek out the Spirit’s voice and direction over my life today. This is not to say your to-do list isn’t important. I’m sure it is! But, pay attention to people. Who is God placing in your path today? And then, when the Spirit says, “Move…”, risk and watch what the Spirit can do when we do the “greater things” that Jesus has promised over us all in John’s gospel (SEE: John 14:12-14)

Another important step? Share your story. It’s amazing how the Spirit moves and it’s too good to keep quiet about. Where are you risking in your life? How are you being obedient to the Holy Spirit today? Where do you need the Holy Spirit to move and work in your life today? Let me know as I would love to pray for you!

May we not be content to just talk about the Holy Spirit. Let’s let the Spirit move and speak through our lives.

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