
Prayer | Alone and Assembled

The second letter in our FACES of prayer is the letter, “A” which stands for alone and assembled. Prayer happens in our quiet time, as well as when we stand alongside others!

I love this quote on prayer from FB Meyer:

“The greatest tragedy of life is not that of unanswered prayer, but unoffered prayer.” -FB Meyer

What a gift prayer is to us all. Remember, Jesus said in Matthew 6 these words, “And when you pray”. It was the expectation of Jesus that, for each of us, prayer would be the means with which He would continue to lead, speak, and guide, through the prompting and movings of the Holy Spirit!

Prayer is as easy as communicating to God. Just speak. Share your heart! Yet, remember: God’s Word is of incredible value in helping to guide our prayer life. Truly, scripture speaks into every area of our lives. I would always begin there if you’re looking to go further and deeper in your prayer life.

Now, perhaps you are one of many that guidance and some resources might be helpful for you when praying, wether alone or with others.

Here are some resources that might be of benefit to you.

I am currently working through this prayer devotional from Tim Keller. To strengthen his prayer life, he dedicated himself to reading and summarizing the Psalms. This devotional was born out of his applying the Word to his prayer life.

Tim Keller, 14 day prayer devotional

I have used this little journal as a way to study the Word and I have loved how God has used it in my quiet time and prayer time. It’s spiral bound and a beautiful little guide that gives you a balanced look at Old and New Testament scriptures on a weekly basis. Take a look!

Lectio Divina Journal

Our own TWUMC member, Sarah Robb Purcell, wrote a beautiful little book called Conversations; To Know God Through Prayers. You can find that in our church bookstore, or learn more by looking at it online:


In seminary, I came across a book called Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster. I read this book every year. It’s an amazing resource that speaks to the disciplines we should all be involved in. There is a chapter in there specifically on prayer that was of benefit to me as I preached this message last Sunday. Find it here:

Celebration of Discipline

Two other resources that might be beneficial?

Check out the Field Guide for Daily Prayer available through Seedbed.  Another book I have loved returning to over the years is called, A Valley of Vision; a Collection of Puritan Prayers and Devotionals. It’s been a guide I used to pray with as well.

SO, perhaps that helps. Tomorrow, we’ll look at praying amidst the seasons of life.

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