
Prayer | Free and Formed

I recently purchased a book case from IKEA and found great comfort in the words found on the outside of the box. Maybe you’ve seen them? “Some assembly required”. Sounds great in theory, but let’s just be honest about something: “some assembly required” is never as easy as it promises to be. I know this because, when my book case was complete, there were a few extra slats, a lot of extra screws and nuts, and it really didn’t look like a book case. More like a contemporary art piece.

That’s life, right? It doesn’t come assembled for us. The puzzle is often incomplete and, oftentimes, we feel as if the 500 piece jigsaw puzzle of whatever our current situation we’re facing, we’re left with a partial picture, all pieces on the table, and missing a few key pieces to complete the puzzle.

Ever been there? Yep. Me too.

This reminds me of a wedding in John 2 which finds Mary and Jesus on the guest list. All seemed to be going well until, crisis: they run out of wine. Note what Mary does, more specifically, what she says: “When the wine ran out, Jesus’ mother told Him, ‘They don’t have any wine.’” (John 2:3) Now, remember. Mary knew that Jesus was the Son of God. I think it’s interesting that she doesn’t demand that Jesus fix the situation. Also, note that she doesn’t fault the situation. She doesn’t blame the wedding party, she doesn’t blame Jesus for the crisis of the moment, or even blame herself. She simply presents the current crisis to Jesus. Jesus responds to her statement, “Woman, my hour has not yet come.” In other words, the time for Jesus to reveal who He was was not at hand. So, Mary tells the servants, “Whatever He tells you to do, do it.”

I love this moment because Mary simply presents the situation to Jesus. She brought up the puzzle in front of them both, revealed the missing pieces at hand, and laid it at the feet of Jesus.

Isn’t this what prayer really is all about?

Sunday, I spoke on the F.A.C.E.S. of prayer with the first one being, FREE and FORMED.

When I use the word, FREE, I’m simply reminding you that prayer is just a conversation with God. It doesn’t have to be pretty. You don’t have to use deep, theological words, or even have the voice of James Earl Jones for it to be heard. It just has to come from the heart. This is what Jesus is speaking of in Matthew 6:6. When we learn to pray like this, watch how your prayer life changes. Oswald Chambers, author of My Utmost for His Highest says, “To say that prayer ‘changes things’ is not as close to the truth as saying, ‘prayer changes me and then I change things.’”

Want more? Read Ephesians 6:18, and 1 Thessalonians 5:16-19. You’ll find some good words there in regards to prayer and the heart that’s to be behind it.


Go ahead. Begin the conversation. Remember, God delights in hearing the voices of His children (Proverbs 15:8).

Tomorrow I will give you some RESOURCES that might help with guidance on prayer in regards to FORMED. Remember: the more you get into the Word of God, the more God’s Word gets into you and becomes YOUR words!

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