When I needed the Lord, I looked for Him; I called out to Him, and He heard me and responded. He came and rescued me from everything that made me so afraid. Look to Him and shine, so shame will never contort your faces. This pour soul cried, and the Eternal heard me. He rescued me from my troubles. (Psalm 34:4 – 6 VOICE)

I love this line in Psalm 34: “Look to Him and shine, so shame will never contort your faces.” Reading this recently, I was reminded of something pastor Louie Giglio said once about the moon. Giglio pointed out that the moon gets a lot of credit for it’s beauty, but in reality it’s a chunk of dirt. What gives the moon its beauty is the sun. All that the moon has to do is simply reflect the light the sun shines upon it. 

You know, the same principal applies for you and me. The truth is that we’re all flawed and broken. Yet, God so loved the world (John 3:16) that He stepped into it, putting on flesh, and showed us all that at the center of the universe beats a heart of love that would never stop pursuing, chasing and seeking out the heart of His creation.

So to you, my friend, shine. Reflect the image of the One who shines on you this very moment. You’re not alone.

Troubles are temporary — God is eternal. 

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