
Surprisingly not surprised. 

I’m trying something. When I see God move and speak in my life, I’m trying not to be surprised by it. Crazy thought, right? This past Sunday is a classic example.

On Sunday in the Harvest service I taught on the first of several weeks where we are looking at and walking through The Lord’s Prayer for Lent. It had been a difficult week and I had asked the Lord for strength as I drove up to the church that morning.

As I was walking into the Harvest worship center, I felt God tugging at me to find a side room and pray before meeting with the worship team and beginning both Harvest worship services. “Um, OK, Lord. I have a few extra minutes.” So I sneak into a side room, flip on the light and, there, in the room is a friend of mine sitting on a couch with his Bible opened.

“What are you doing in here”, I ask. His answer? “I felt God leading me here to pray for you. And, here you are!”

Divine encounter.

Surprisingly, I confess I was not surprised. God is so very good.

Wonder how many divine encounters are waiting for us every day? A little obedience to the nudging of the Holy Spirit and, once you follow, you may be surprised who is waiting behind the door to lift you up.

“Ask and it shall be given, seek and ye shall find, knock and the door shall be opened.” Matthew 7:7

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