“Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel” (which means, God with us). -Matthew 1:23

To say that I have been distracted of late is an understatement. Let me give you an example.

This morning, I had to make a quick trip to get my vehicle inspected. Upon hearing that I had 25 minutes to wait, I saw the opportunity to run over to a Starbucks across the street and grab some coffee and study for a final exam I have coming up this Friday. So, I head that direction while looking at flash cards I had created to study. I walk into the coffee house (head down, mind you) and look up to see “maternity wear” looking at me. Much to my shock, I was not standing in Starbucks. I had walked into the wrong store (side note: did you even KNOW there were maternity jeans that stretched at the belly? May have to check into this look after the holidays have passed).

If I can confess something? As a pastor, I have to fight the feelings of hypocrisy each Advent season. I have always been such an advocate and voice for “doing less” and “being fully present” this time of the year, but I always find the demands and expectations to be quite burdensome. Maybe I am not alone?

Here’s the beauty I was reminded of this afternoon. Ready?

Immanuel. God with us.

Did you know that the book of Matthew in the New Testament has this truth located at the beginning and the end of book when held in context to Jesus and His ministry? Think about it. When the angel tells Joseph in Matthew 1 that he and Mary will have a child, they are to name Him Immanuel, which means, “God with us”. AND, at the end of Matthew when Jesus appears to His disciples, He leaves them with the Great Commission and reminds them that, “I am with you always, even to the ends of the earth” (Matt 28:20). From Matthew 1 to Matthew 28, God is with us in the person of Jesus Christ.

What a beautiful reminder. Wherever you find yourself. Whatever you face at this very moment. Whatever joy, whatever trial, whatever circumstance… you are not facing it alone.

Hear this truth and let it’s beauty fall on you in this season of Advent: God is with us. His name? Jesus, Immanuel.

Wherever you stand today, look up and know. You are not alone.

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