
The Happiness Habit

Grace and peace, friends. I pray this finds each of you well.

It’s hard to believe that Easter has already come and gone. Last Sunday’s Easter service was such a joy for us all in that worship space and we pray that each of you found that – even in your homes – Easter and the Good News that’s found within the midst of the Resurrection story found all of you! Truly, “Christ has risen, INDEED” and that truth has changed everything.

So where do we go from here? I am glad you asked.

This Sunday, we’re starting a new series called the Happiness Habit. Have your Bibles ready because, in this series, we will be looking at the book of Philippians in the New Testament. This was one of the Apostle Paul’s prison letters written to the church of Philippi. The letter of Philippians, at its heart, is a letter of joy! Over and over in this letter, Paul speaks to the following truth:

we’re called to live in the joy of the Lord and not in reaction to the circumstances that we may be surrounded by.

So how does this happen and what does this look like? That’s what we will be digging into within this series. Again, here’s another instance of the Holy Spirit showing off as, last October, this was the very series we felt the Lord leading us into immediately following Easter Sunday.

It couldn’t come at a better time.

Let me encourage you to read the following before Sunday’s service: Philippians 1:1-26.

Sunday’s message is titled, “The Happy in Adversity.”

It’s going to be an incredible morning of word and worship. I hope you will join us!

Blessings to you all, friends. As always, let me know how I can pray and encourage you!

In Him,

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