Then he said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few”. (Matthew 9:37)

Some of my favorite memories as a child were the trips I made to my uncle’s farm in Council Bluffs, Iowa. I would spend weeks on the farm playing in the fields, helping out with the morning chores of feeding the cattle, baling the hay, and shucking and picking corn. I loved summers on the farm. I loved the smell, the sound that the corn stalks made when moving in the breeze, the vastness of the fields, and the growth and life that was all around me. Looking back now, these summers of work on the farm could have been seen as a daunting task, but I never viewed it as such. I was lost in the wonder of the life and abundance that surrounded me each morning.

Isn’t it funny what comes to mind when we read scripture? In Matthew’s gospel, Jesus tells His disciples that the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Therefore, we must pray that the Lord will raise up more workers to gather the harvest which the Lord has already planted and cultivated for us. So often, sharing the good news of the gospel can be an overwhelming job. What I love about this reminder from Jesus, however, is that He is reminding the disciples that we’re surrounded by the abundance of God’s provision. The Holy Spirit has planted the seeds. What’s left is for those workers willing to reach out, invite, and share the good news that God is still active and at work in the world and salvation has come in Jesus Christ.

A special thing is happening this weekend in the life of our church. This Sunday, Harvest will launch a second worship service time at 11:00 am. It’s another service and another opportunity for our church to extend an invitation, reach out, and help spread the good news of the gospel through an invitation to come and worship. I am so very excited about what God is doing in and through the life and ministries of this church.

Join us at either the 9:30 am Harvest service, or the 11:00 am Harvest service. We’ll save you a seat.

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