
The Rest of the Story; Greater Prayer

Last Sunday, I preached on Greater>Prayer and we looked at Elijah’s prayer for rain from 1 Kings 18 and saw five specific postures of prayer that he presented when going before the Lord: he separated himself, he humbled himself, he was specific, he was persistent, and he was expectant. I loved his passion and persistence and found my own prayer life challenged as a result. How beautiful to be reminded that our Heavenly Father wants daily communication from His children. Oh, to have the faith of Elijah. Yet, Elijah was human. And do you know what happens to Elijah JUST on the other side of this powerful prayer “ask” and “answer”? Conflict. And Elijah’s response is very different than what he showed on Mount Carmel.

In 1 Kings 19, Ahab and Jezebel aren’t happy with Elijah so they threaten to kill him. And what does this mighty prayer warrior and man of God do in the face of opposition? He runs to the desert where he lays down and asks God to take his life. He was tired. He was overwhelmed. He had given much and had little left to give. So, he goes to God again, but this time out of weakness, not assurance. And how does God respond? God sends an angel to give him bread and water. Twice. And then? God meets Elijah on the mountain.

How beautiful that, even in our weakest moments when we have nothing to give, God meets us in THOSE moments and sustains us with His power and presence. Now wait. It gets better. After meeting with Elijah in his weakness, after gifting him with His presence and mercy, God then sends Elijah back in the game. Ahab and Jezebel still wanted to kill him. God didn’t take the opposition away, but He did remind Elijah that he wasn’t in this alone. God was still very much in control. Elijah just needed to be reminded that God was with him.

SO, this week, pray big. Intercede and pray for others, but don’t forget to let God hold you in whatever season you stand. Now, more than ever, God is near.

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