Christianity Encouragement God Prayer

Warning. This Could Be Dangerous.

My notebook fell open this morning to some notes from the Willow Creek, Global Leadership Conference our church hosted back in August of last year. Ran across the following prayer. Imagine what our days would look like if we made this an honest prayer on a daily basis…

My Morning Prayer

God, this is a new day. I freshly commit myself to the role you have invited me to play, as you are building your church in this world. I am awestruck again today that you include me in this grand life-giving, world transforming endeavor. So today I joyfully offer to you:

my love, my heart, my talents, my energy, my creativity, my faithfulness, my resources and my gratitude.

I commit all of myself to the role you have assigned me in the building of your church so that it may thrive in this world. And I will “bring it” today. I will bring my best. You deserve it. Your church deserves it. It is the Hope of the World.


So, what do you say? Join me. Let’s jump into this prayer each morning and then see what God puts in front of us. My guess? Life changing, God inspired, beautifully breathed moments of His will breathed into our everyday lives.

Read… set… pray.

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