As I stood in line for almost two hours waiting to vote on Tuesday, I was reading through a book that I have been enjoying lately called, Love, Henri. This book is a collection of letters written by priest, theologian, writer and professor, Henri Nouwan. Though he passed away in 1996, Nouwan loved the art of the written letter. Over the course of his lifetime, he had written hundreds of letters to friends, colleagues, and acquaintances from around this world. This book is a celebration of his writings and a publication of many of those letters he had written.

I found this letter written in the 1970s, in regards to the state of the country and world, extremely relevant. Nouwan, writing to friends who were anxious about the state of the country and world, wrote the following:

I hope that all the misery in the country and the world in general will deepen your hope for the kingdom of God, will strengthen your eschatological perspective, will make you more interested in the last book of the Bible, will make you simple of mind and heart, make you pray more and love more and make your heart and mind open toward Him who is the Lord of life and who calls us to transcend all human endeavors.

He goes on to say,

I am less and less clear what is good or bad religion, what is regressive or progressive, but I am more and more convinced how important it is to respond to real needs and to prevent ourselves from narrowing God to one or two images.


Sweet friends, as you read this, we have a new leader of our country. No matter what side of the political fence this leader may fall on in regards to your vote, here’s what I know. One, God is still on the throne. That hasn’t changed. Two, our new leader needs our prayers. Pray with intentionality for him, his family, and this new position of power that he is walking into. And, finally, don’t forget the impact that you hold in your daily living. You have the opportunity to bring hope, love, and joy into the lives of those you know and even into the lives of complete strangers today. Don’t miss an opportunity to plant seeds to grow the fruit of God’s kingdom in your words and action.

Remember. Christianity is not a four- or eight-year term. It’s a daily living that, once we accept the call, we must make a daily decision to follow in the footsteps of our Rabbi.

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