
“Hey there, mighty warrior!”

I loved sharing last Sunday’s message on Gideon from Judges 6 and 7.

The battle that Gideon faced was overwhelming and, truth be told, he didn’t feel like a mighty warrior. However, remember the truth shared from last Sunday’s Word? Gideon’s story reminds us that when we are at our least, God can be at His greatest! What’s necessary are open hands and a ready heart to serve.

Gideon chose to focus on his limitations rather than receive the strength of the One who was standing in his midst. And really, he’s not the only one! Remember the list of all stars in the Scriptures. Moses was 80 years old when he began his ministry and was wanted for murder in Egypt. Jacob was a schemer. Elijah suffered from depression, as did Jeremiah. Hosea couldn’t keep his marriage together. Amos, a farmer, had no ministerial training. Peter tried to kill a man with his sword. John Mark was a quitter, and Paul couldn’t get along with an associate named Barnabas. Yet, there is one string that holds all of these examples together: the great I am. (see Ex. 3:14) Each life, when poured through the availability of God at work within them, is able to serve and shine in incredible ways.

So what can we learn from Gideon? An excerpt from the Preacher’s Commentary puts it this way:

“If we truly identify with Gideon, it should drive us to our knees, seeking from God to rightly discern what He is calling us to do and, secondly, that we might have the faith to believe that He will do it through us. There is all the difference in the world between writing our own agenda and striving to do it for God as best we can and, on the other hand, allowing Him to pick us up and use us in whatever way He chooses.”

Whatever you face today, wherever you stand, remember this: “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.” (Judges 6:12)

I am is enough.

Every time.

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