The Washington Post once shared a story about Joshua Bell, a world-renowned violinist who participated in a little social experiment. They put Bell in casual street clothes, placed him outside a busy subway station with a 3.5 million dollar violin dating back to 1713 in his hands, and let him play. The experiment? To see if anyone would stop and listen. What they found? Thousands passed by, yet, sadly, only seven people stopped to listen and enjoy the music.

Reading this story gave me pause to ask the following question: What if I am guilty of doing the same? Here’s the thing. Every single day our Heavenly Father plays the most beautiful music over our lives and over each of us. It’s sheet music filled with the notes of hope, freedom, restoration, mercy and forgiveness. It’s perfectly played and worthy of our slowing down and listening to. Even better? God invites us to play along. Do we really want to miss out?

Remember the lesson found in John 15:5. Jesus said, “I am the vine, you are the branches. If you remain in Me and I in you, you will bear much fruit. Apart from Me, you can do nothing.” Amazing, right? You’re a branch; you’re not the vine. [pullquote align=”full” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]Don’t let busyness rob you of a greater song being played over you this very moment.

Take it in. Then join the song. Live out of God’s love by playing your own songs of hope, freedom, restoration, mercy and forgiveness. What you’ll find are trees with the very fruits of the spirit growing as a result of the music you’re playing with your life. THAT is a song we need more of in this world, right?

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