I just love it when a quote grabs me and shakes me violently. Ever had that happen to you? Seriously. You are just reading along when something registers with you. It resonates deeply and, well, just shakes you. The book Love Does by Bob Goff has done this to me several times. Seriously. I have recommended this book to so many people. In fact, I may have accidentally invited Bob Goff to read the book, Love Does by Bob Goff.

LOVED this thought:

“I once heard someone say that God had closed a door on an opportunity that they had hoped for. But I have always wondered if, when we want to do something that we know is right and good, God places that desire deep in our hearts because He wants it for us and it honors Him. Maybe there are times when we think a door has been closed and, instead of misinterpreting the circumstances, God wants us to kick it down” (Goff, 44-45). 

I love this. YES. Maybe we don’t just look at the closed door and walk away. Maybe we kick it down.

Here’s another way I like to think about this. Maybe we pray with feet. Prayer is necessary. It’s huge! After all, Jesus says, “Ask, Seek, Knock” (read Mat. 7:7). The problem is that sometimes we stop at the asking. It’s one thing to ask. It’s another thing to seek.

What door is in front of you that is closed and you are simply choosing to sit in front of it. Maybe, just maybe, it needs a push. Or, better yet, maybe it needs a kick. Perhaps God’s plans for you are to fight for that passion He has placed deep in your heart. Wherever you may find yourself this evening, know this. God knows your heart and hears your heart’s desires. This makes me think of Jeremiah 29:11-14. Let these words fall over you right now.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Eternal, “plans for peace, not evil, to give you a future and hope—never forget that. At that time, you will call out for Me, and I will hear. You will pray, and I will listen. You will look for Me intently, and you will find Me. Yes, I will be found by you,” says the Eternal”

Take time to sit at the feet of God. Then, discern His will for your life. Lastly? Fight for it. It may not come easy but, I believe, if you kick hard enough, that door will come down.

My prayer for you!

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